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Tenant Survival Guide, The

Tenant Survival Guide, The

TRAC's Tenant Survival Guide provides a comprehensive overview of tenants' and landlords' legal rights and responsibilities in British Columbia. Topics include evictions, repairs, quiet enjoyment, deposits, guests, rent increases, bed bugs, and dispute resolution (Tenant-Landlord Court). Written in plain language, this guide offers an accessible look into how tenants can avoid or resolve disputes with their landlords in order to maintain stable tenancies.

For individual copies, visit TRAC's website ( or call their Tenant Infoline (604-255-0546 or 1-800-665-1185). A TRAC staff member will mail out a copy as soon as possible.

To view this publication online: Click Here

Tenant Resource & Advisory Centre
Number of Pages:
Publish Date:
January 1, 2019
Product No.:
Soft Cover - Saddle Stitch
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