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Channel Morphology of Unlogged, Logged and Debris Torrented Streams in the Queen Charlotte Islands (LMR049)

Channel Morphology of Unlogged, Logged and Debris Torrented Streams in the Queen Charlotte Islands (LMR049)

This study compares the morphology of coastal, gravel-bed streams in two logged, one logged and debris torrented, and two unlogged watersheds in the Queen Charlotte Islands. The influence of both logging and direct mass wasting events on channel morphology and, consequently, on the in-stream physical habitat of salmonids is quantified. The comparison also provides a basis for determining habitat rehabilitation criteria for damaged channels. Pools and riffles are discussed in detail.

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D.L. Hogan
Number of Pages:
Publish Date:
June 1, 1986
Product No.:
Soft Cover
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