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Important Notice: 2024/2025 Fiscal Year End

We are pleased to inform you that electronic orders for the 2024/25 fiscal year, submitted by 4:00pm, March 28, 2025, will be processed in time for year-end and shipped by April 1, 2025. Orders for the 2025/26 fiscal year will be processed starting April 1, 2025.

For urgent orders, please contact our Customer Service team at 250‑387‑6409 or toll‑free at 1‑800‑663‑6105.

Please note that timelines may be adjusted based on operational needs.

The estimated delivery time will be 2-3 weeks depending on your location. Shipping delays may happen, especially during peak season or severe weather conditions. Thank you for your understanding as we work to process your order as quickly as possible.

Government and public sector organizations are advised to log in with their account numbers. All non-government customers can proceed to pay using a credit card. (American Express, MasterCard and Visa are accepted. We are unable to process debit/credit cards.)

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Government and public sector account customers have special added features that allow you to save orders and create order templates for items you order on a regular basis.  If you'd like more information on these features or have feedback please feel free to contact our office.

Customers who reside outside of Canada and the USA and are interested in purchasing our products, please contact us by email at or fax 250 387-1120. We apologise for the inconvenience.